Saturday 30 June 2018

All About Blogger of the Week - Pinned Post - Scroll down for the interviews

As a long-time subscriber of the now defunct Cross Stitch Collection magazine, one of my favourite articles was their Blogger of the Month.  When the magazine ceased publication I decided it would be fun to continue the tradition but make it a weekly feature (more bloggers for your money!).

I started by inviting some of the followers of my blog to see if there was any interest in doing interviews and articles and this blog is the result!

If you would like to be interviewed and considered for a post on the blog, please email me at with a link to your blog.

I do hope you enjoy reading the posts and leave comments for the interviewee.  Hopefully it will inspire you to visit their blog and add a new blog to your Reader.

Just for fun, here's the full version of the design I "cut-up" for the header:

Designed by Elissa Hudson, stitched as a birth sampler for some friends.

Friday 15 June 2018

Martina from Mein Allerlei Hobby

We're staying in Germany for this week's Blogger of the Week, another opportunity for you to practise your German.  But don't worry, there is an English translation too!  I met this week's Blogger through RJ and Mary's blog once again.  She shows some lovely stitching and beautiful quilts too.  She is also stitching along with the Temperature SAL that I am doing.  Please welcome Martina from

1. Bitte stell dich vor - Name, wo du herkommst, Familie, Haustiere etc.

Hallo ihr Lieben. Mein Name ist Martina , ich habe zwei wundervolle Kinder und lebe im schönen Rheinland-Pfalz in Deutschland. Ich habe einen tollen Ehemann, und wir haben 3 kleine Zwergkaninchen. Umgeben von Wald lebt es sich herrlich in unserem Dorf.

Please introduce yourself – name, where you are from, family, pets etc.

Hello my dears. My name is Martina, I have two wonderful children and I live in the beautiful Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany. I have a great husband and we have 3 little dwarf rabbits. Surrounded by forest, it is wonderful to live in our village.

2. Wie lange hast du genäht und wie hast du angefangen?

Angefangen habe ich schon in meiner frühen Jugend, mit Stricken. Pullover und Jacken waren mein Liebstes. In der Zeit in der ich mit meinen Kindern Schwanger war, habe ich mal das eine oder andere kleine Muster gestickt, aber dann wieder zum Stricken gewechselt und hauptsächlich Socken für die ganze Familie gestickt, bis ich irgendwann – ich glaube das war Ende 2011, Anfang 2012 ein Teddy-Muster in einer Kreuzstichzeitung gesehen habe. Dann hatte mir der Virus wieder in seinen Krallen, und seit dem komme ich auch nicht davon los. Und noch im selben Winter habe ich an meinem ersten SAL teilgenommen.

How long have you been stitching and how did you start?

I started in my early teens, with knitting. Sweaters and jackets were my favorite. During the time I was pregnant with my kids, I used to sew a few little patterns, but then changed to knitting again and mostly embroidered socks for the whole family, until sometime - I think that was the end of 2011, the beginning 2012 saw a teddy pattern in a cross-stitch paper. Then the virus got back in my claws, and since then I can not get rid of it. And that same winter I participated in my first SAL.

3. Wie lange hast du geblogged und was hat dich zum Start motiviert? Gibt es eine Geschichte hinter deinem Blog-Titel?

Ich blogge nun seit Herbst 2012. Mit dem Neuanfangen beim Sticken habe ich auch mit dem Lesen von blogs begonnen und wollte dann irgendwann auch von meinen Arbeiten erzählen. Mein Blogtitel ist schnell erklärt – ich habe soviele Interessen, auch wenn ich sie nicht alle auf dem blog zeige, aber es ist ein allerlei-hobby.

How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start?  Is there a story behind your blog title?

I've been blogging since Autumn of 2012. With the new beginning in embroidering, I also started reading blogs and at some point wanted to talk about my work as well. My blog title is explained quickly - I have so many interests, even if I do not show them all on the blog, but it's a hobby of all sorts.

4. Wie würdest du deinen Nähstil beschreiben? Bist du ein Serienanfänger, ein Rotator, ein OAAT (einer nach dem anderen), hoch organisiert, zufällig und eklektisch usw.?

Ich glaube, von allem etwas. Ich sticke gerne Serien, ich liebe Round Robins, aber auch schöne einzelne Motive – egal ob groß oder klein.

How would you describe your stitching style? Are you a serial starter, a rotator, a OAAT (one at a time), highly organised, random and eclectic, etc.?

I think something of everything. I love to embroider series, I love Round Robins, but also beautiful single motifs - no matter if it's big or small.

5. Hast du einen Lieblingsdesigner oder einen Designstil, zu dem du dich hingezogen fühlst?

Nein, kann ich nicht sagen – es muss diesen "Wow Effekt" bei mir auslösen. Sehr gerne mag ich die Motive von LHN und CCN, aber auch Madame La Fee, Veronique Enginger und im Moment verliebe ich mich in die Arbeiten von Stoney Creek.

Do you have a favourite designer or style of design you are drawn to?

No, I can not say - it has to trigger this "wow effect" with me. I really like the motifs of LHN and CCN, but also Madame La Fee, Veronique Enginger and at the moment I have fallen in love with the work of Stoney Creek.

6. Auf welches Stück bist du in deiner Sammlung besonders stolz?

Auf meine kuschelnden Teddies auf jeden Fall, und auf die zwei Mustertücher in Durchbruch und Hohlsaumstickerei.
Ich bin aber auch sehr stolz auf meine Patchworkarbeiten und Quilts – diese Technik mache ich auch erst sein 5 Jahren. Und am meisten Stolz bin ich hier auf meinen POTC-Rainbow-Quilt. Dieser ist nach eigenen Ideen entstanden.

Which piece are you most proud of in your collection?

Of my cuddly teddies definitely, and on the two samplers in drawn threadwork and hemstitch embroidery.
But I'm also very proud of my patchwork work and quilts - this technique is only 5 years old. And I'm most proud of my POTC Rainbow Quilt here. This was created after my own ideas.

7. Was war deine schlimmste Nähte Katastrophe?

Eine wirkliche Katastrpohe hatte ich zum Glück noch nicht, Mir ist nur einmal ein Tropfen Kaffee auf ein weißes Leinen getropft, zum Glück war es aber weit genug außerhalb einer Stickerei.

What has been your worst stitching disaster?

Fortunately, I have not had a real disaster, just dropped a drop of coffee on a white linen, but luckily it was far enough away from any embroidery.

8. Welche neue Technik würdest du gerne ausprobieren, entweder Stitching, Finishing oder ein anderes Handwerk?

Verschiedene Sticktechniken habe ich schon ausprobiert, aber ich würde gerne lernen wie man die schönen, kleinen Ornamente macht, egal ob rund oder oval, die ich schon auf so vielen blogs gesehen habe

Which new technique would you like to try, either stitching, finishing or another craft?

I have already tried different embroidery techniques, but I would like to learn how to make the beautiful little ornaments, whether round or oval, which I have seen on so many blogs.

9. Haben Sie eine Schachtel mit fertigen, aber nicht vollständig fertiggestellten Teilen? Oder ist alles FFO? Was ist dein liebster Weg, um ein Projekt fertig zu stellen und was machst du damit?

Am liebsten mache ich meine Arbeiten auch zeitnah zum Sticken schon fertig – egal ob mit Stoff eingerahmt oder in einem Bilderrahmen. Allerdings habe ich auch ein UFO hier liegen – die Teddies von SodaStitch. Aber auch die bekommen bald ihren Rahmen.

Do you have a box of finished-but-not-fully-finished pieces? Or is everything FFO'd? What's your favourite way to fully finish a project and what do you do with them?

I also like to fully finish my work in a timely fashion for embroidering - no matter if it is framed with fabric or in a picture frame. However, I also have a UFO lying here - the Teddies from SodaStitch. But they will soon get their frame.

10. Welches Ihrer Projekte repräsentiert am meisten "Sie"?

Ich denke, kein bestimmtes Projekt. Bei einigen Arbeiten habe ich nach Lust und Laune Veränderungen vorgenommen. Zb habe ich von LHN Santas Village als einzelne Motive gestickt und gerahmt, oder ihre kleinen Motive aus der Serie Hometown Holliday zu einem ganzen Bild zusammengefügt – wie ein kleines Dorf. Auch ändere ich gerne mal was an den Farben und passe es meinem Geschmack an, und mache es so zu meinem ganz Eigenen.
Oder ich verbinde einfach zwei Techniken miteinander und gebe so dem Stickbild etwas Neues dazu.

Which of your projects most represents "you"?

I think, not a specific project. For some works, I made changes as the mood dictates. For example, I embroidered and framed LHN Santa's Village as individual motifs, or put together their small motifs from the series Hometown Holiday into a whole picture - like a small village. Also, I like to change something in the colors and adapt it to my taste, and make it my own.
Or I simply combine two techniques together and give the embroidery picture something new.

11. Erzähl uns ein Geheimnis über dich. Oder ein Witz. Über alles mögliche!

Ich liebe Chips und Popcorn – und das am liebsten wenn ich "Columbo" schaue. Ich liebe Peter Falk als Kommisar, wie er immer seine Täter findet, wenn er in seinem Trench Coat und seinem alten Auto unterwegs ist. Ich habe schon so viele Folgen davon gesehen, und überlege jedes Mal, wann er sich für seinen Täter entscheidet.

Tell us a secret about yourself. Or a joke. About anything!

I love chips and popcorn - and that's when I watch "Columbo". I love Peter Falk as a detective, as he always finds his perpetrators when he is in his trench coat and his old car on the road. I've seen so many episodes of it, and think about it every time he decides who is the perpetrator of the crime.

12. Was möchtest du hinzufügen?

Zum Schluss möchte ich mich ganz herzlich für die Einladung zu diesem Interview bedanken, es hat mir großen Spaß gemacht, etwas über mich zu erzählen und ich freue mich, auf diesem Wege wieder neue blogs und Freunde kennen zu lernen.

Anything you would like to add?

Finally I would like to thank you very much for the invitation to this interview, it was great fun to tell something about me and I am looking forward to getting to know new blogs and friends in this way.

Friday 8 June 2018

Manuela from Manuela's Flowergarden

We have a very special treat for our German followers with this week's Blogger of the Week.  The interview is in both German and English!  I met this blogger through RJ and Mary's Birthday Party again and thought "we really need more European bloggers here".  She is a stitcher and a quilter with a keen eye for colour.  I do enjoy seeing quilts on display even though I don't make them myself.   She answered the questions in German and then her husband and daughter translated them into English, so a real family affair.  Please welcome Manuela from

1. Please Introduce yourself – name, where you are from, family, pets etc.

Hallo, mein Name ist Manuela und ich wohne in einer kleinen Stadt in der Nähe von Hamburg/Deutschland.
Ich bin seit über 25 Jahren verheiratet und habe drei Kinder, zwei erwachsene Söhne und eine Tochter im Teenageralter.

Hello, my name is Manuela and I live in a small town near Hamburg in Germany.
I am happily married for over 25 years. I have three children, two adult sons and a teenage daughter.

2. How long have you been stitching and how did you start?

Das Sticken habe ich im Alter von 11 Jahren in der Schule gelernt, zwischendurch habe ich auch Stickpausen gehabt, aber seit ca. 7 Jahren hat mich das Stickfieber wieder sehr gepackt.

I learned stitching in school when I was 11 years old, had some breaks in between but 7 years ago I caught a fever for stitching again.

3. How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start? Is there a story behind your blog title?

Mit dem Bloggen habe ich im Februar 2011 gestartet. Ich fand es interessant andere Blogs zu lesen und zu sehen, was so gehandarbeitet wurde.
Ich liebe das Patchworkmuster Grandmothers Flowergarden. Daher habe ich den Titel meines Blogs abgeleitet, also Manuelas Flowergarden.

I started blogging in February 2011. I found it interesting to read other blogs and to see what needlework was done.
I love the patchwork pattern of Grandmother's Flowergarden, so I called my blog Manuela's Flowergarden.

4. How would you describe your stitching style, Are you a serial starter, a rotator a OAAT (one at a time) highly organised, random and eclectic, etc?

Meinstens sticke ich an ein oder zwei SALs und dazwischen habe ich immer eine Hauptstickerei (OAAT). Meine unterschiedlichen Stickarbeiten sind ordentlich in kleinen Kisten verpackt.

I usually do one or two SALs and between them a main stitching project (OAAT). My various stitchings are packed in small boxes.

5. Do you have a favourite designer or style of design you are drawn to?

Ich habe keinen Lieblingsdesigner. Ich liebe die deutschen Designer wie UB Design, Acufactum und Christiane Dahlbeck, die europäischen Designer wie Cuore e Batticuore, Veronique Enginger und auch die USA- Designer wie LHN, CCN and Mirabilia Designs.
Das Motiv, welches ich sticke muss mir einfach gefallen.

I have no favourite designer. I love the German designers like UB Design, Acufactum und Christiane Dahlbeck, the European designers like Cuore e Batticuore, Veronique Enginger and also US-Designer like LHN, CCN and Mirabilia Designs.
I just have to like the design I want to stitch.

6. Which piece are you most proud of in your collection?

Meine USA Karte von Eva Rosenstand. Ich habe sie mittlerweile viermal gestickt, für uns und jeweils für meine Kinder und ein Afrikanischer Elefant von Anchor.

My United States map by Eva Rosenstand.  I stitched it four times: For me and for every child

 and also the African Elephant by Anchor.

7. What has been your worst stitching disaster?

Vor vielen Jahren habe ich eine riesengroßen Verzählfehler bei einer Materialpackung gemacht. Ich habe diese Stickerei nie beendet, sondern leider entsorgt. Die Anleitung habe ich aufgehoben. Vielleicht sticke ich eines Tages das Motiv nochmal. Wer weiß?

Many years ago I made a huge mistake on counting within a project. I have never finished this work and disposed it. I kept the pattern so maybe some day I will try it again, who knows?

8. Which new technique would you like to try, either stitching, finishing or another craft?

Vor vielen Jahren habe ich schon eine neue Handarbeitstechnik erlernt, das Patchworken. Ich liebe es mit Hand zu nähen und habe schon viele kleine und große Quilts für mich und liebe Verwandte hergestellt.

Many years ago I learned a new technique: Patchwork. I love to sew with my hands and have made a lot of small and big quilts for me and my lovely family.

9. Do you have a box of finished-but-not-fully-finished pieces? Or is everything FFO’d? What’s your favourite way to fully finish a project and what do you do with them?

Ich habe keine unfertigen Teile liegen. Ich versuche meine Teile immer fertig zu sticken und auch zu verarbeiten. Meisten rahme ich meine Stickereien, gern patche ich die Motive ein und mache kleine Miniquilts daraus.
Seit ca 2 Jahren nähe ich aus kleinen Motive sehr gern kleine Deko-Kissen oder Ornamente. Auch habe ich aus Blumenmotiven Tischdecken mit einer Hohlsaumkante genäht.

I have no unfinished projects, because I always try to finish a project and process it after working it.
Most of the time I frame them, I also like to patch them into mini quilts. In the last two years I stitched small motifs as decoration pillows or ornaments. I use flower motifs to created table cloths with hemstitch borders.

10. Which of your projects most represents "you"?

Ich habe eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Motiven gestickt. Ob Autos, Blumen, Häuser oder Landschaften.
Meine Lieblingsmotive sind meistens etwas mit Rosen oder Blumen.

I have a lot of different stitched designs, be it cars, flowers, houses or landscapes.
My favourite designs are mostly something with roses or generally flowers.

Mirabilia Rose of Provence

11. Tell us a secret about yourself or a joke. About anything!

Die meisten kennen mich nur als Stickerin oder Quiterin. Vor 25 bis 30 Jahren habe ich ganz viel gestrickt. Ich hatte fast nur selbst gestrickte Pullover und Strickjacken im Schrank.

To the most of you I am known for stitching and quilting. But 25 years ago I was heavily into knitting. In my closet was hardly anything but selfmade sweaters and cardigans.

12. Anything you would like to add?

Ich danke Jo für die Einladung hier ein bisschen über mich erzählen zu dürfen.

I would like to thank Jo for the invitation and the chance to tell a little bit about myself and my hobby.

Liebe Grüße and Best wishes, Manuela.

Friday 1 June 2018

Sandy from I Majored in Home Economics

This week's Blogger of the Week comes via RJ and Mary's Birthday Party.  I really liked the way she finished the piece she showed for them and went over to read her blog and invite her to answer a few questions for us here.  She has a lovely home with some beautiful crafted pieces and you should see the view!  Right now she could do with a few prayers, so if you pray, please add her to your's.  I must say, I love her answer to Q11, what a teacher and what a treat!  Please welcome Sandy from

1. Please introduce yourself – name, where you are from, family, pets etc.

Hello, I am Sandy Palmer from the Gulf Coast of Florida.  I feel very lucky to live in such a wonderful place.  It is truly a beautiful place and I love waking up on the bayou off of Choctawhatchee Bay.
I am a retired school teacher having spent 31 years in the classroom teaching a little of everything.  I majored in home economics, but that subject had taken a major downturn in the place I chose to call home upon marrying, so I taught mostly 4th grade.   I am married to the most wonderful husband who is a great gift giver (more about that in a bit).  I have two wonderful grown children, a daughter and son.  My daughter is married and expecting our first grandchild in October.  My son has a lovely girlfriend who I would be happy if she is the one.  My mother now lives very near me too. I plan all my days around my family.

2. How long have you been stitching and how did you start?

I started stitching in college in 1980.  I saw it in a store, picked up a pattern and supplies and found a life long hobby.  I stitched the love chapter from the Book of Corinthians as my first stitch.  I was completely hooked.  I stitched all the time until my kids reached the age where ball seasons and school just took up too much of my time.  I picked it up again about 4 years ago when I retired from teaching.  I try to stitch everyday.  It is my relaxation.

Love is Patient

3. How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start?  Is there a story behind your blog title?

I started my blog in the spring before I retired in June of 2014.  The name of course was my college major.  Naming a blog is hard folks.  I could not think of anything.  I knew that I was looking forward to all the things that my major offered but that I had missed while working outside the home for so many years.  My blog is a hobby and just a way to share the highlight reels of life.   I have loved the community and sharing.

4. How would you describe your stitching style? Are you a serial starter, a rotator, a OAAT (one at a time), highly organised, random and eclectic, etc.?

When I got back into stitching after such a long break I felt I had some catching up to do.  There are so many new products out there and then the overload of pictures on Instagram.  Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but I could never keep up with the prolific stitchers out there.  I tried the rotation and even made a plan as late as this January to try it.  I am not doing so well with rotation.  I am finding I am a bit more of a OAAT girl.  I get started and one just calls my name and I feel productive.  When I skip around I feel a little out of sorts.  I do like to have a small project going if I am doing something large so that when you get off count and need a break, you have something to work on still.  Surely, I am not the only one who gets off count.  Gee Whiz, my eyes are getting older.
The one good thing is that I love all the stitchers out there. I think there is no one right way!!!  I love the many things out there, but I try to stay calm and just enjoy it.

5. Do you have a favourite designer or style of design you are drawn to?

I find that there are so many new designers out there that I want to do so many in fact that I will never have enough time.  A few favorites that really draw me in are With Thy Needle and Thread, Plum Street Samplers, and Blackbird Designs, and what’s not to love about eBay and the oldies from the magazines?!
I have started writing down the names of patterns I want and making a wish list because I can’t keep ordering and not having time to get to them:)

Blackbird Designs Bluebird of Happiness

6. Which piece are you most proud of in your collection?

For my most proud of piece, I am going to have to pick a tie between two of my more recent finishes. One is the Books of the Bible that my husband picked out for me to do and the other is a pair of cardinals that I did for Christmas by Stoney Creek Collection.

Books of the Bible

Stoney Creek Cardinals

7. What has been your worst stitching disaster?

I got so off count on a Blackbird Designs piece about a year ago that I just didn’t want to rip it out or try and make it work.  I just simply got so frustrated and so out of sorts with it that I lost interest and tossed it.  IT was bringing me stress, so I threw it out.  Stitching should be fun.  I have to say that is the only time I have ever done that.

8. Which new technique would you like to try, either stitching, finishing or another craft?

I plan to try my hand at smocking since I have a grandchild on the way.  If I enjoy it I will do it, if not, I will just cross stitch the inserts or buy him some smocked pieces.  My motto is life is too short and too busy not to enjoy our hobbies.
I also am so inspired by the stitchers using 40 count that I simply must try it.  I have a light and magnifiers and I am going to give it a whirl.  My eyes will let me know if I can continue with it or not.

9. Do you have a box of finished-but-not-fully-finished pieces? Or is everything FFO'd? What's your favourite way to fully finish a project and what do you do with them?

I don’t really have a box of stuff unfinished.  I try to keep them out until I finish them so that doesn’t happen.  I love all the ways you can finish them out there these days.  I am getting better and I love making little pillows.  I hope to do some Christmas ornaments in the coming months.

10. Which of your projects most represents "you"?

I had to think about this one.  I think it might be one I had hanging in my classroom for years.  It has an early American feel and of course teaching as the theme.

11. Tell us a secret about yourself. Or a joke. About anything!

I love history and especially space history.  I have a eclectic collection of space memorabilia and books about the topic.  I was known in the schools where I taught as the “space lady.”  We learned a lot about the subject in my class and performed a play for our parents each spring.  We did a mock launch and turned the classroom into the shuttle, mission control, and sometimes even Mars.  My husband is a great gift giver, so on our 25th anniversary he planned a secret trip to Houston which was one of the few NASA installations I hadn’t toured.  He got a top level tour for me and surprised me with the trip.  I didn’t know where we were going until I was on the plane.  I actually have a few space patterns I want to cross stitch in the future.

12. Anything you would like to add?

Thanks to Joanne for inviting me to play along.  I absolutely love the stitching community.  It is the best hobby in the world.

Friday 25 May 2018

Amy from Green Chair Handworks

This week's Blogger of the Week is one of  our quieter bloggers, but as you will see from the photos she is also a most prolific stitcher with some gorgeous designs.  Once again we share the same tastes (especially the Hallowe'en!) and, of course, she is a cat-lover.  And dogs!  I am sure you will enjoy this interview, learning more about our Blogger, the reason behind the blog name and the gorgeous seasonal stitching.  Please welcome Amy from

1. Please introduce yourself – name, where you are from, family, pets etc.

My name is Amy; I'm originally from Iowa in the USA, currently living in Missouri, and I deeply miss the Iowa winters.  I have a 19-year-old son, a piano performance major in college.

I have an elderly cat, an old cat, and a young mostly blind cat, all of whom were stray or stray-adjacent (the elderly cat's mother was a stray we brought in, turned out she was pregnant.  He was born under my bedroom dresser).  I have two 6-year-old dogs, both rescues, one of whom actually belongs to a friend.  He's staying with us for the forseeable future while the friend cares for an ill relative.

2. How long have you been stitching and how did you start?

I've been stitching since early 1996.  My college roommate did cross stitch, and let me try stitching one of her projects.  It was a Lavender & Lace angel, on linen, and I loved it, even though I did it wrong to start with.  What hooked me was the meditative quality of the activity, as well as the delicate prettiness of the stitches.

I didn't stitch much after my son was born, until picking it back up in 2015.  During most of his 19 years, I slooooooowly worked on two Lavender & Lace designs – first "Angel of Autumn" and then "Nantucket Rose" (for my mom).

Angel of Autumn

Nantucket Rose

3. How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start?  Is there a story behind your blog title?

I started blogging in general sometime in the early or mid-2000's.  I was in various media fandoms, and went from email message groups, to message boards, and finally to blogging on Livejournal.

I left fandom-related blogging a couple of years ago, but then discovered craft blogs in 2015, and when I picked up cross stitch again decided that a blog would be a great way to follow other crafters, keep track of my projects, and maybe keep me motivated.

The title of my blog - about the time I started stitching again, I found a fabulous lime green faux leather rocking club chair (it has a lot going on!) at Goodwill for $40, and decided I had to have it for a stitching chair. I set it up among my bookshelves, with a footstool and a TV, and had my stitchy spot!  I was so pleased with that chair that I decided to name my blog after it.

4. How would you describe your stitching style? Are you a serial starter, a rotator, a OAAT (one at a time), highly organised, random and eclectic, etc.?

Well, I am any one of those things, depending on my mood.

For example, in May 2017 I did Stitch Maynia and started ALL THE THINGS, and then continued to start more things through most of the rest of the year, and it was the most fun ever.  I stitched on whatever I felt like at any given moment, finishing mostly smalls.

But now, having so many WIPs is driving me crazy so I'm methodically working my way through them, and not starting anything new outside of the occasional small.  I’m really enjoying watching my WIPs become finishes.

5. Do you have a favourite designer or style of design you are drawn to?

I’m always bad at “what is your favorite...“ questions. Favorites change by the week sometimes!

But let's see. I've stitched a lot of Halloween and autumn.  I like mandalas, nature themes, quaker motifs, and pretty ladies.  I didn't used to like samplers, but they've grown on me.  I've also been finding myself wanting to stitch more Spring themes/colors lately.

Halloween Stitching

Spring themed stitching

There are also styles that I like but have decided not to stitch, for the most part – for example: mid-century-modern style designs, because they wouldn't really go with my decor, and HAEDs, because I don't have the patience.  However, I love seeing others' work on those types of projects.  That's something I like about online stitching communties, being able to enjoy all kinds of stitching vicariously.

6. Which piece are you most proud of in your collection?

Right now there are two finishes that I'm excessively proud of.

"Angel of Autumn" by Lavender and Lace – this took me forEVER to stitch.  I started it before I got pregnant, and then had such a hard time finding time to work on it after my son was born that I started to resent it.  How dare it sit in the corner making me feel guilty for not working on it!  About 7 years later, it was finally done, and I was so proud of myself.

"Lizzie Stitching Wallet" by Faby Reilly – I recently finished this.  Stitching the pieces of the wallet was occasionally a struggle, and then constructing it was a struggle, and I kind of still can't believe I did it.

I'm also very proud of my progress on Snowflower Diaries free 2016 SAL "Joyful World" – it's my first project on anything higher than 32 count; I gave up on it in 2016 after finishing June but picked it back up this year and am making steady progress; and I've made a few tweaks to the designs that I really like the look of.

7. What has been your worst stitching disaster?

Nothing major so far. I've had to frog (haven't we all), and I made an error on "Angel of Autumn" that I didn't fix and now it's framed so I can't fix it.

But really, I'm still waiting for a true disaster to happen.  I have cats and dogs, and I drink coffee, tea, and wine, so one of these days I know I'm going to end up with a shredded, chewed up, or stained project.  It hasn't happened yet, but I know it's only a matter of time...

8. Which new technique would you like to try, either stitching, finishing or another craft?

I'd like to be able to sew a stitched piece into a little tote bag or project bag.  Or sew a straight line, for that matter.  My sewing skills are firmly in the "beginner" category at the moment.  I sewed "There's One in Every Nest" earlier this year, and I love it but it's super wonky.

I also think I'd like to learn crochet, and glass art (especially how to created leaded stained glass designs), and wood-working.  I would also like to relearn how to paint (acrylic, watercolor, oil paint) – I used to do a lot of that back in high school, and I'd love to pick it back up again.

9. Do you have a box of finished-but-not-fully-finished pieces? Or is everything FFO'd? What's your favourite way to fully finish a project and what do you do with them?

So many un-fully-finished pieces!  Ouf.  I love framed pieces, and even though I'm not super-fantastic at hand-sewing, I am increasingly attached to things like biscornus and fobs and things I can turn into dimensional finishes without a sewing machine.  Although, if I'm honest with myself, the only thing keeping me from FFO'ing is not making the time to do it.

10. Which of your projects most represents "you"?

I'm not sure how to define "me" in terms of stiching.  I guess, maybe Village Square by Ink Circles because of the colors and meditative quality of the design; 

the little over-one bluebirds thing I did last year and put in a pocket watch thingie, because of the birds; 

and the Durene Jones free biscornu design from last fall, because I love Halloween.

11. Tell us a secret about yourself. Or a joke. About anything!

I don't have any interesting secrets.  Hmm. I like to binge-watch light mystery tv shows while I stitch, such as Midsomer Murders, Agatha Christie series, Murdoch Mysteries, Miss Fisher Mysteries. Alternatively I binge-watch light sci-fi, which given current trends generally means superhero shows. Emphasis on "light" – there's enough emotionally distressing stuff going on in the real world, so I like my fictional world to be essentially a cozy and happy place.

When I'm not stitching I read – also mysteries and SF/F. And poetry and non-fiction (history, science, and philosophy) (I'm somewhat nerdy...).

12. Anything you would like to add?

I am a serial lurker, and have social anxiety, and Blogger is a pain in the rear; and between those things I struggle to comment on other blogs and often to reply to comments (and, you know, return phone calls to friends and family or talk to co-workers – hurrah social anxiety).  But it's always such a pleasure, and a lot of times also a kind of 'soul food,' to see the creativity and craftsmanship, both in stitching and in other areas of peoples' lives, via blogging. I love it.